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Furzedown Primary School

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Imagination is more important than knowledge. – Albert Einstein 

Art at Furzedown 

Art is an integral part of learning at Furzedown and we aim to create confident, independent artists who can articulate their own creative journey. We provide the children with stimulating and engaging opportunities to use their imagination and explore ideas.  Art is taught by specialist teachers in a purpose built art studio which enhances the children’s learning. All children have access to a wide range of materials and are taught a range of art and design techniques. This includes drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, collage, design, textiles and digital media.  

Our Approach 

The children at Furzedown are taught a variety of skills and techniques that they can develop and progress in as they go through the year groups. We use a cross-curricular approach to teaching by linking art lessons to topics being taught in class. This enhances the children’s learning and gives them the confidence to experiment and share ideas. Children will be introduced to and become familiar with specialist art vocabulary and a wide range of art, artists and designers. As part of our Art Curriculum we want our children to be inspired by artists, both “historical great” artists from history and contemporary and new artists. By studying and exploring ideas and meanings behind art work, children will gain a better understanding of how art reflects societies and traditions and how it can also impact our world today.  

Art at Furzedown is inclusive and accessible and gives all children an opportunity to express their ideas. Art lessons create a space for children to be inspired to create their own art work and to take risks and experiment.  


Curriculum Overview

Useful Websites

The Tate

The National Gallery

Access Art
