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Furzedown Primary School

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Our curriculum is driven by the need to prepare our children for lifelong learning. At Furzedown, our dedicated staff team is committed to delivering a curriculum that is creative, experiential and stimulating while challenging and inspiring all of our pupils. Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide.  


Our curriculum aims to build on what has previously been taught and learned, while providing new experiences to ensure that academic achievement, physical and mental wellbeing, growth of character and personal development are intrinsically linked. This approach enables us to enrich every child's school experience and equip them with the firm foundations they need to grow holistically as good, happy, confident citizens and to be successful in all that they do being the best that they can be.  


Our curriculum is taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners. Some subject areas are taught by specialists, ensuring the best provision, and a topic-led approach in all year groups encourages pupils to delve deeper into exploring and understanding their learning. 


In Early Years, we follow the EYFS curriculum and from Key Stage 1, we follow the National Curriculum and teach the ‘core’ subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education (P.E.) and Computing. Our ‘foundation’ subjects are: Art, Design Technology, Geography, History, Music, Modern Foreign Language (MFL), Religious Education, Personal Social Health and Education (PSHE).  


In each curriculum area there is an emphasis placed on skills and across all curriculum areas we actively promote a ‘growth mindset’ which reflects the way we think, learn and take on challenges. Our values underpin our bespoke, intrinsic ‘learning behaviours’. These are developed through a growth mindset approach, encouraging children to: Have a go and never give up (be resilient and persevere), Aim High (be aspirational), Work Together and Learn from Others (be collaborative and reflective) and Explore and ask questions (be creative and curious).



The curriculum is currently under review in school.