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Furzedown Primary School

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The School Day

Nursery    Morning Session 8:25 – 11:30
   Afternoon Session 12:00-3:00
Reception    8:25- 12.00 and 1.15 – 3.00
Key Stage 1 & 2    8.25 – 12.30 and 1.30 – 3.00

Children have a 30 minute break in the morning.


It is very important that children arrive on time for school. Children should be in the playground by 8.25 a.m., but not before 8:15.
Please make sure that your child is collected from school on time at 3 p.m.

Regular and punctual attendance is important if children are to achieve to the best of their ability.

All absences must be reported to the school by letter or telephone so that registers can be marked accordingly. Absences recorded without adequate reasons have to be reported and taken up by the school’s attendance manager who may have to refer the matter to the LEA’s Education Social Worker.

Attendance must by law be recorded and reported to parents/carers as part of each child’s annual school report.

If you need to take your child out of school for an appointment, please ask permission from the Headteacher via the school office.

Holidays outside of term time will not be authorised.


All children should be at school no later than 8:30 a.m. and preferably five minutes before, ready to lead into school for lessons to begin.

The children who are late miss the beginning explanation of the lesson and the teacher is required to take time out to explain tasks. This breaks the flow and effectiveness of the learning planned. All the children suffer as a result.

Should it be unavoidable that children are late (i.e. doctors, dentists appointments, etc.) would parents/carers please bring the children back to school as quickly as possible.

Children who attend school late miss vital parts of their education and it is important that other children do not have their education disrupted as a result of this. A repeated pattern of lateness for any child would automatically be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.

Children who attend school on time have the greatest chance of achieving their best.

  • We expect to see your child on school everyday on time and ready to learn.
  • If your child is sick and is unable to attend school, please make sure you let us know straight away and definitely in the morning on the first day of absence.
  • Phone the office on: 020 8672 3480  or email: attendance@furzedown.wandsworth.sch.uk  Leave a message with your child’s name, their class and the reason for their absence.
  • If there is an emergency and you need an unplanned leave of absence form, these can be collected from reception and are for any absence other than sickness.