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Furzedown Primary School

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Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education (PSHE)

A child seldom needs a good talking to as much as a good listening to.- Robert Brault



At Furzedown Primary School, we are committed to promoting the health and emotional well-being of the whole school community above all else.  Without a firm foundation of happiness, security and well-being, effective learning cannot take place.

Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) education is at the heart of our school ethos and embedded throughout all areas of the curriculum and aspects of school life.

Through PSHE and the wider curriculum we promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and work to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that they may encounter in the wider world, as well as prepare them for life as global citizens. We aim to equip our children with a deep understanding of the core values of respect, inclusivity, tolerance and understanding in order that they are empowered to manage their own well-being and make sensible and aspirational decisions.

We provide a high quality curriculum based around Jigsaw programme of study which offers ‘a mindful approach to PSHE'.  The 6 units (known as Puzzles), each lasting for half a term, progressively build children’s learning from the beginning to end of the school year.  Every year group studies the same unit at the same time, at their own developmental level. This encourages a whole-school approach and enables learning themes to be highlighted, children to work together across year groups, and teachers to differentiate materials.

The entire programme is underpinned by mindfulness philosophy and practice. Through the core programmes children learn the language, vocabulary and techniques that enable them to build their confidence and ‘emotional repertoire’. 




The six ‘Puzzles’ throughout the year are:

  • Being me in my World - Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters.
  • Celebrating Difference - Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work.
  • Dreams and Goals - Includes goal-setting, aspirations for individuals and the world and working together.
  • Healthy Me - Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Relationships - Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution, communication skills and bereavement, loss and change.
  • Changing Me - This puzzle includes sex and relationships education (SRE) in the context of coping positively with change.

These are designed to cover all aspects of PSHE, with particular attention to social skills and emotional literacy, spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) development, British values and personal development. There is a safeguarding strand running throughout. Each Puzzle has 6 pieces (lessons), making 36 pieces for each year group. 

Please click below for an overview of the curriculum programme and link to our policy.


PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) and SRE (Sex & Relationships Education) Policy 

PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) Curriculum Overview