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Furzedown Primary School

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Pupil Resources

Busy Things Busy  Things  is  a computer  based programme with  a large  collection  of  interactive  games  and  activities  to help you in  supporting  your child’s  learning  at  home. Busy Things  activities  are  linked directly to  the curriculum.The programme runs  on  a computer, laptop or  tablet. Furzedown  Primary bought  a full licence so  that  you are  able to use  it  at  home for  free.  To access  it,  go to the school  website,  click Portals  then  Pupil  resources.  You  must  use  your child’s  LGFL  username  and password, these  are  also sometimes  called Atomwide USO login. The  username always  ends in  .212 

 The homework  Icon  takes  you to Office 365 login: Each  Year group has  its  own  Team  where teachers post assignments, discussion points, spellings etc.

Please read " Using Microsoft Teams" on the Remote learning page.


  Languagenut  is a  great  resource  as it  enables  pupils  to  reinforce  their vocabulary, whilst simultaneously practising  the  four keys skills  of  Modern  Foreign  Language  learning, namely  Reading,  Writing, Listening  and Speaking.  Children  can  learn  as  many as 24 different  languages  or  choose to learn  English. Children  from Year  2 to Year  6 learn  to  use  it in  school  during  the  last  lesson  of  each new French units All the  voices  are recorded by native  speakers  and you can  choose  to  learn  through topics  or  vocab trainer which is  represented by numbered dice to  show  a progression  in  difficulty.  It’s  easy to use:  just  click learn to  practise  to vocabulary then  click Practice to  play the games. 
Creswell Junior School - Purple Mash Purple Mash Purple Mash  is a  cross-curricular website  for  nursery and  primary school  children. It  enables  children  to explore  and  enhance their knowledge in  a fun  and  creative  way. The  Art  button  takes  you  to a  multitude of  creative activities and great  software like 2Design  and  Make which allows  children  to make nets  and  3D models.   The  Topics  button  makes  it easy  for  you  to find curriculum based activities by age  group or  topics. 
my-uso This is your link to all our LGFL resources
This page has links to some useful websites where you can learn more about being safe on the Internet.