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Furzedown Primary School

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School Forms

If you need a paper copy of information on our website, please contact the school office, this will be provided free of charge.

Below are a number of forms that you can download to send into school.


If your child needs to take medication at school, we require a permission form in order to administer any medication.

Medication Form


Explanation of Absence

If your child is sick and is unable to attend school, please make sure you let the school know straight away and definitely in the morning on the first day of absence. Phone the office on: 020 8672 3480  or email: attendance@furzedown.wandsworth.sch.uk  Leave a message with your child’s name, their class and the reason for their absence.

Unplanned Absence

Please click below if you require emergency term time leave.

Application for Special Leave

Free School Meals and Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is a government scheme that was introduced in 2011 to help improve the education of children. The scheme aims to grant schools extra funding so that they’re able to provide additional support for children in need of it. Its objective is to help schools unlock the learning potential of their pupils and provide them with a better education. 

Completing this form may also entitle your child to free school meals if you are in receipt of:

 Income Support (IS)

Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance (IBJSA)

Prescribed Tax Credits – Parents/Carers who are in receipt of Child Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income in excess of £16,190 are not eligible for free school meals.

Prescribed Tax Credits – Parents/Carers who are in receipt of Pension Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income in excess of £16,190 are not eligible for free school meals.

Please produce your H.M. Revenue and Customs form to confirm that you receive

Prescribed Tax Credits, however, if you are in receipt of any element of Working Tax Credit you do not qualify for free school meals.


To apply please fill in the form below.

Pupil Premium and
FSM Funding 23-24


Special Diets Form

Please click   here to download the Special Diets Form

Change of Details

Please ensure that the office is always kept up to date with any changes to your contact details such as address or telephone numbers. 

E-Safety Agreement

Click Here for the E-Safety Agreement